Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Webinar How to make your 20s count

Webinar How to make your 20s count This webinar will show you how to make the most of your 20s so that you can set yourself up for an engaged, fulfilling life.  It includes four days of of video sessions and email-based course materials.  You can purchase this workshop  for anytime, on-demand access. The cost is $195. Get access now. The most important thing to do in your 20s is figure out where you fit. Find your place in the world, pick your friends and family. You will make 85% of the major decisions in your life by age 35. And your earning in the first ten years of your life has exponential impact on your earning throughout the rest of your life. So act like your 20s matter, because if you act like they dont matter, then they wont matter. To make the most of your 20s you need to make mistakes, because mistakes show that youre moving forward and trying new things. But its important to make intentional mistakes.  This means that you need to have goals, and plans, and when they dont work out, you make new goals, and new plans. This four-day webinar will show you how to do that: Day one: Figure out where you fit in the work world. Understand your personality. Personality type is so important when youre choosing your career that all Fortune 500 companies use personality type testing to make sure employees are in the right job. I will show you how to understand your personality in a way that many people dont understand until later in their career. If you understand your type, youll understand which jobs youll be great at and which jobs will be fulfilling. Create a short-list of job types that will be right for you. Its overwhelming to feel like you can do anything. But the truth is that each of us will be rock stars at only a few things. Once you identify your strengths the list of jobs you will like becomes much more clear. And thats the list that will effectively guide all your decisions for most of your life. Part of living with intention in your twenties is having a clear vision for the type of life that will feel best to you. I will show you how to find that life early on, so you can guide yourself to it. Pick your location. Location is important at this time in your life. It determines lifestyle, the range of companies available to you, and even who you marry.  Understanding how location impacts your happiness levels and your career potential will enable you to confidently narrow the list of locations where you apply for jobs. Day two: Get a job even though you have no experience.   Learn the secret language of resumes.  Most people in their twenties have way better experience than they show on their resume. The language of resumes is one that makes any job sound important. Ill show you how to use this language  so youll not only have a better resume, but youll also have more self-confidence in what youre worth to employers. Turn a tiny network into a job. You probably feel like you dont have a network. But you actually only need one or two well-employed people to help you get a job. Ill show you how to leverage your network by giving very clear directions about what you want the person to do for you. Skip entry-level jobs to make your job hunt easier.  Often entry-level jobs are harder to get than jobs that require a few years experience. Ill show you how to skip entry-level jobs by writing a resume that looks like youve already done that work. If youre applying to jobs that fit your personality type, then youve already done a lot of that work in your life. You just need to convey that on your resume. Day three: What to do if you dont get a job. Spot-check yourself.  Usually there is a particular reason that you are not getting a job. Ill tell you how to know if its your resume, your interview skills, or the jobs youre going after. But the good news is that its never all three. So you can fix that one spot, and then go at it again, with better results. Write your resume backwards. If you dont have a job its probably because you are missing that zinger at the top of your resume that says youre a perfect fit. The way you get that is to write the resume first. Figure out what your resume would need to say to get the job. Then make up jobs for yourself  to create that resume. Ill show you how to work backwards creating the resume that will get you the job, and, at the same time, you will be building an employment history by doing real and relevant work. Start a company. The point of a company is not always to make money. Often, starting a company gives you the experience you need to get the job you want. Ill show you how to start a company overnight and have that company transform your resume. At the same time, youll be blown away by how much you can accomplish on your way to landing a job. Use your elevator pitch. Every time someone says So what are you doing now? its a time to advertise yourself as a great employee. The answer you give is the way that you enable people to help you get the job you want. Ill show you how to craft the perfect answer so you convey yourself as excited and going places and full of possibilities. Day four: QA Ask me anything about your job hunt. Everyone can learn from each other in this last session when we focus on specific issues you have encountered and how to overcome them. The cost is $195.   Get access now.

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